
A few months ago I finally decided to try and write a book.  I am always thinking of plot lines and characters (I have a rather over active imagination and my mind never actually switches off) but I have never bothered to do anything with these ideas except squirrel them away on the mass storage device that is my brain, which is something that could seriously benefit from a reboot.

So if I go quiet on the book review front it's because I am lost in my writing, and I do literally mean lost, it seems to consume every waking (and sleeping) moment when the story decides to hit, but have no fear (like you were actually worried) my first passion is still finding a good book to read so I will continue to read and post my reviews, they just may be a bit sporadic for a while.

In all honesty when I started this journey I thought the hardest bit would be writing the book, surprisingly that seems to be happening well, the hard bit is trying to believe that it's actually going to be any good.  The whole self-publishing process genuinely scares me, but hey, we'll have a go.

I have however decided to keep my reading and writing profiles separate so that I don't spam you about my writing when you are looking for reviews.

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